A SPECIAL SPECIES BETWEEN THE JOY PLANTS GROWN IN TURKEY: HOP (Humulus lupulus L.)Keywords: Joy Plant , Hop (Humulus lupulus L.) , Agricultural Geography , Bilecik , Turkey Abstract: Hops (Humulus lupulus L.) is a perennial industry plant which the female flowers (cones) are used in beer, drug and cosmetics industry. Although its originated country is unknown, it is being farmed in the different regions of the world. Since 1965, it has been grown in Bilecik, Turkey. Although, the total production in Bilecik is far behind to fulfil the increasing demand of today, it is the top place at productivity in the world. Once the producers are subsidised the number of producers and production areas will increase so there would be no need to import the plant. In this study the geographical bases, production statement and trading of hops cultivation, which is a joy plant in agricultural geography and has a special place in Turkey’s agriculture life, was discussed and suggestions have been given about the aforesaid activity.