Optimal management of Cushing syndromeAbstract: Edgar G Durán-Pérez,1 Oscar T Moreno-Loza,2 German Carrasco-Tobón,3 Segovia-Palomo Antonio31Division of Endocrinology, Hospital General de Saltillo, Saltillo, Coahuila, 2Division of Endocrinology, Hospital de Alta Especialidad, ISSSTE, Tultitlán, 3Endocrinology Deparment, Hospital General de México, México Distrito Federal, MéxicoAbstract: Cushing syndrome (CS) caused by endogenous hypercortisolism is a diagnostic challenge. The most common cause is Cushing disease. Surgical treatment is the first-line therapy for Cushing disease. However, due to the often clinical instability of the patient's condition, which needs acute treatment of hypercortisolism or inoperable tumors, initial surgery is often not possible. It is therefore important to provide appropriate initial medical treatment. Following surgery, the patient needs to be evaluated and confirmed for disease resolution based on standard criteria, and treated with appropriate supportive measures for the rest of life if necessary. This article reviews the current data and treatment options for Cushing syndrome and proposes a therapeutic algorithm for its optimal management.Keywords: cushing syndrome, cushing disease, hypercortisolism