Neuroanatomy 2007
Unusual isolated ossification of falx cerebri: a case reportKeywords: neuroanatomy , anatomy , ossification , duramater , falx cerebri , meninges Abstract: Awareness of anomalous ossification of the falx cereberi is a useful guide for both in studies of human anatomyand in clinical practice today. It is of significant practical importance for the neurosurgeons and radiologist, toknow the form, degree of severity and range of extension of such changes. Images of skull and brain with suchossification patterns may lead to confusion in interpretation. The relations of this ossification with neighboringbrain tissue, blood vessels and other structures are important for an accurate diagnosis and to prevent furthersurgical complications during routine surgery. In our routine dissections for the preparation of teaching and museum specimens, in one elderly TrinidadianAfrican male cadaver, we observed isolated islands of ossification in the falx cerebri.