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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




A Comprehensive study on Cloud Green Computing: To Reduce Carbon Footprints Using Clouds

Keywords: Cloud Computing , Green Cl oud Computing , Green Software Engineering

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Cloud computing and Green computing are twomostemergent areas in information communicationtechnology (ICT) with immense applications in theentire globe. The future trends of ICT will be moretowards cloud computing and green computing.Due to tremendous improvements in computernetworks now the people prefer the Network-basedcomputing instead of doing something inan in-house based computing.In any business sector dailybusiness and individual computing are nowmigrating from individual hard drives to internetservers. The concept of cloud computinghasdramatically changed the classical method ofcomputation.To save space, time and money, thepeople perform computation in Internet serverinstead of doing computation on a desktop or alaptop. The main issue in cloud computing is tosave resources,time, cost and duplication of samedata. Instead of upgrading software in a standalonemachine, one can use the software in the cloud inweb and save energy and money. In the presentpaper the authors tried to analyze the energyconsumption of Cloud Computing by studying theclouds maintained by certain organizations andobserving the energy benefits that they derive. Theauthors have also made study by which the carbonfootprint can be reduced through Green CloudComputing.


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