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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721



Nirmana  2009 

Strategi Pembuatan Film Dokumenter yang Tepat untuk Mengangkat Tradisi-Tradisi di Balik Reog Ponorogo

Keywords: Reog Ponorogo , documentary movie , art , culture

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Reog is a notable art from Ponorogo which has been existing for centuries and is inherited down from generation to generation among Ponorogo society up to present time. Besides presenting an alluring performance, reog is also full of tradition and customs inherited from old generation such as erotic dance, liquor party, and homosexual relationship. Those traditions are identically associated to reog as a form of free, spontaneous and rules free entertainment for common people, therefore, the customary tradition often cause controversy to emerge among people because of their contradiction toward present customs of ethics and politeness. On the other hand, the tradition contain lofty cultural principles which reflect the true identity of Ponorogo people. Unless the principles are properly preserved, the statement which says that reog is the true identity and distinctive feature of Ponorogo will fade away, and thus reog will be easily taken and claimed by other societies. Documentary movie as audio visual media is able to plainly eplain how reog dancers truly live. By using interview method and daily life document documentary, the controversy in the traditions could be dug transparently. Various opinions toward the erotic dance, liquor party, and homosexual relationship become a strength to trace the history of reog in Ponorogo. Hence, Indonesian people will not be hesitant that reog is an original culture owned by the Indonesians themselves since the time of their ancestors. However, reog is still an entertainment for common people, pleasure is the main purpose of it. Strong limitation toward the expression of art will eventually extinguish the people’s enthusiasm in the art itself. in Bahasa Indonesia: Reog merupakan kesenian khas daerah Ponorogo yang telah ada sejak berabad-abad yang lalu dan diwariskan secara turun-temurun di kalangan masyarakat Ponorogo hingga saat ini. Selain menyajikan tontonan yang menarik, kesenian reog ini ternyata juga sarat akan tradisi/kebiasaan yang telah dibawa sejak jaman nenek moyang, mulai dari gerakan tari yang erotis, mabuk-mabukan hingga hubungan sesama jenis/homoseksual. Tradisi tersebut identik dengan reog sebagai hiburan rakyat jelata yang bebas dan spontan, tak terikat aturan, sehingga seringkali menimbulkan kontroversi di kalangan masyarakat modern karena bertentangan dengan norma-norma masyarakat terutama norma kesusilaan dan kesopanan. Di sisi lain, setiap tradisi tersebut kaya dengan nilai-nilai luhur budaya yang harus dilestarikan untuk kelangsungan sejarah. Jika tidak, maka pernyataan bahwa reog adalah jati di


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