An Overview of Research Infrastructure for Medieval Studies in the United States: Associations, Institutes, and Universities An Overview of Research Infrastructure for Medieval Studies in the United States: Associations, Institutes, and UniversitiesKeywords: Storiografia , Didattica Abstract: This overview of research infrastructure in the United States briefly mentions some institutes, universities, associations, conferences, sources of funding, types of courses, research databases, academic journals and book publishers. It intends to make American medievalist resources better accessible to colleagues from other countries, and to encourage those who wish to study in the United States and those who are using the Internet to seek printed or digital materials for their teaching or research. Questa panoramica delle strutture della ricerca negli Stati Uniti passa in rassegna enti, università, associazioni, congressi, fonti di finanziamento, forme della didattica, banche dati per la ricerca, riviste accademiche ed editori, con il proposito di rendere le risorse medievistiche americane piú accessibili ai colleghi degli altri paesi e fornire un sussidio sia a coloro che intendono studiare negli Stati Uniti, sia a coloro che usano Internet per individuare materiale in formato cartaceo o digitale utile per l'insegnamento o la ricerca.