Structural analysis of Leucocine – an essential bacteriocinKeywords: Lantibiotics , bacteriocin , homology modelling , Pocket Identification Abstract: Bacterial peptides of low molecular weight displaying antagonism towards other bacterialmembers are referred to as bacteriocins. Bacteriocins are an essential member of the broadly classifiedgroup of lantibiotics which finds several commercial uses. This work comprises of the determination ofstructure of the most important class of bacteriocins – the leucocin group. Structure elucidation wasperformed using homology modelling approach and the modeled structure was validated using theirRamachandran calculations. Ligand interaction pockets were identified by calculating the Delaunaytriangulation number and structural properties of amino acids were documented. Structure elucidations ofsuch lantibiotics are important for future endeavours towards analyses of protein - protein interactions.