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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Comparative study of tocolytic actions and side effects of Nifedipine versus Ritodrine about the treatment of preterm birth, “Hospital Materno Infantil Germán Urquidi” (Estudio comparativo de la acción tocolítica y efectos adversos del Nifedipino versus Ritodrina, en la amenaza de parto pretérmino, “Hospital Materno Infantil Germán Urquidi”)

Keywords: Tocolytic Actions , Nifedipine versus Ritodrine , Teatment of preterm birth.

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Background: The tocolytic treatment in preterm labor threat hasbecome the basis of management. Its main objective is to delaythe birth. This would permit to complete the scheme of lung maturation.In addition this treatment reduces morbidity and perinatalmortality associated with prematurity.Objective: It is to evaluate the efficacy/effectiveness of Nifedipineand Ritodrine as tocolytic agents in patients with preterm laborthreat in Hospital Materno-Infantil Germán Urquidi (HMIGU) duringthe period of September to December 2010.Methods: It is an, analytical, descriptive, retro-prospective, andlongitudinal research where the sample population was: pregnantpatients admitted to HMIGU with the diagnosis of preterm laborthreat, which fulfill the inclusion criteria.Results: Ritodrine presents more general alterations (headache,nausea and vomiting), the relationship was 1.5-4:1 versus Nifedipine.Talking about hypotension as side effect, Ritodrine presentedmore cases in a ratio of 1.7:1 to Nifedipine. Finally, in terms of sideeffects on the fetus. It was observed variations in fetal heart rate.there was a significant tachycardia of more than 10-20 beats per minute compared to baseline. This happened in 25% of women treatedwith Ritodrine versus 10% of women treated with Nifedipine.Conclusion: Nifedipine proved to be an effective utero inhibitiondrug between 24-34 weeks, presenting minimal side effects in patientswithout premature rupture of membranes, nor associated disease.In addition, it had a very good cost-benefit ratio respect toRitodrine. -RESUMEN: Introducción: El tratamiento tocolítico en Amenaza de Parto Pretérmino, se ha convertido en la piedra angular de su manejo, dondeel objetivo principal es retrasar el nacimiento, lo cual permitiríaadministrar un esquema completo de maduración pulmonar, ademásde disminuir la morbi-mortalidad perinatal asociada a la prematurez.Objetivo: Evaluar la eficacia/efectividad del Nifedipino versus Ritodrina como agentes tocoliticos, en pacientes con diagnóstico deAmenaza de Parto Pretérmino del Hospital Materno-Infantil GermánUrquidi (HMIGU), durante el periodo de septiembre a diciembrede 2010.Material y Métodos: Es una investigación, analítica-descriptiva,retro-prospectiva, longitudinal donde la muestra fue: pacientes embarazadas, internadas en el HMIGU, con el Diagnóstico de Amenazade Parto Pretérmino, que cumplan con los criterios de inclusión.Resultados: La Ritodrina presento más alteraciones generales (cefalea,náuseas y vómitos), en una relación que fue de 1.5-4:1 versusNifedipino. En cuanto al papel de hipotensor, se lo


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