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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Management of penetrating abdominal trauma by stab and gun, “San Juan de Dios” University Municipal Hospital (Manejo trauma abdominal penetrante por arma blanca y arma de fuego, Hospital Universitario Municipal “San Juan de Dios”)

Keywords: Penetrating abdominal trauma , Stab wounds , Firearm wound.

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Background: The abdomen region occupies one of the fi rst placesto be damaged by trauma. Its diagnostic approach and the outcomeof their treatment are infl uenced by multiple factors. Penetratingwounds of the abdomen are those that cross all layers of the abdominalwall. Among the causatives of penetrating wounds of abdomenare: PSW (penetrating stab wound) and PGW (penetratingfi rearm wound).Objective: To describe the management of penetrating abdominaltrauma made by stab and fi rearm in the “San Juan de Dios” UniversityMunicipal Hospital.Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional and retrospective study.The unit of analysis studied was: hospitalized Patients throughemergency service during 2009-2011 period. Those patients had thediagnosis of penetrating abdominal trauma by stab or fi rearm, andmet the criteria inclusion.Results: Total abdominal trauma treated by emergency service during2009-2011 period was 213 patients 112 of which were admittedas penetrating abdominal trauma, being 73,21% produced bystab, and 10,71% by gunshot. Laparotomies performed rate was:laparotomies performed immediately 70,21%, deferred laparotomies29,79% of cases.Conclusions: Penetrating abdominal trauma caused by stab andfi rearm presented a predominance in males being 65% of patients.They were between the second and third decades of life. The mostcommon injury was the small bowel (21.28%). Among the complicationsrelated to the surgical procedure, it was found: in 32.98% ofcases, surgical site infections and abscesses of the wall. -RESUMEN: Introducción: La región del abdomen ocupa uno de los primeroslugares en ser da ado por trauma. Su abordaje diagnóstico y el resultadode su tratamiento son infl uidos por múltiples factores. Lasheridas penetrantes de abdomen son aquellas que atraviesan todaslas capas de la pared abdominal, dentro de las causales de este tipode lesiones se encuentran: HPPAB (Herida Penetrante por ArmaBlanca) y la HPPAF (Herida Penetrante por Arma de Fuego).Objetivo: Describir el manejo del trauma abdominal penetrante porarma blanca y arma de fuego realizado en el Hospital MunicipalUniversitario “San Juan de Dios”.Material y Métodos: Estudio descriptivo, transversal, retrospectivo.La unidad de análisis estudiada fue: Pacientes internados por elservicio de emergencias del Hospital “San Juan de Dios”, duranteel periodo 2009-2011, con el diagnóstico de trauma abdominal penetrantepor arma blanca y arma de fuego y que cumplieron loscriterios de inclusión.Resultados: El total de traumas abdominales atendidos por el serviciode emergencias durante el periodo 2009 a 2011


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