Antíteses 2011
Vidas de marinheiro no Brasil republicano: identidades, corpos e lideran as da revolta de 1910Keywords: The revolt of the whip. Brazilian national sailors , Identities , Biographies , Leaders. Abstract: This article presents some results of my PhD dissertation about the 1910 Sailors' revolt. Studying the records of the "Identification Service of the Navy" of 1908 - the year of this service's creation -, I discuss some elements that shaped the general traits and characteristics of Brazilian sailors at the time of the mutiny. First, I compose a collective profile of the sailors, indicating categories such as color, age, geographical origin, tattoos, scars and birthmarks, right down to facial hair styles (moustaches, beards, etc). Secondly, my analysis focusses on the identities and biographies of the mutiny's main leaders, seeking to establish a prosopographical study.