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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721





Keywords: Testis. Rodent. Infection.-Testículo. Roedor. Infec o.

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The Hamster, rodent originating from the Middle East, is a species studied along with other laboratory animals as experimental models in scientific papers and currently is also created as a pet, by virtue of being docile, easy to handle and require little space for survival. The suppurative processes in domestic animals are relatively frequent. Due to infectious diseases or purulent course of aggressiveness of the environment in which they live. The habit of storing food in the cheeks with sharp edges can injure the skin and often cause abscesses in this species. However, other lesions may lead to suppuration, diseases such as testicular tumor or no tumor or not produced by damage in the skin, leading to tumescence (VITAL et al., 2007). This article reports a case of a hamster treated at the Veterinary Hospital of FAFRAM with clinical history of discomfort, anorexia and frequent licking of the scrotum. On clinical examination it was found by aspiration of purulent secretions and the presence of large numbers of polymorphonuclear cells on cytology, diagnosed with testicular abscess. The animal was taken to the operating room where was performed conventional bilateral orchiectomy and total excision of the abscess by opening the tunica vaginalis and ligation of the spermatic cord. Postoperative care included antibiotic therapy with enrofloxacin and use of an anti-inflammatory meloxicam. After ten days the stitches were removed, the wound was healing satisfactorily and the animal was in good health.O Hamster, roedor originário do Oriente Médio, é uma espécie estudada juntamente com outros animais de laboratório como modelo experimental em trabalhos científicos e, atualmente, também é criado como animal de companhia, em virtude de ser dócil, de fácil manuseio e necessitar de pequeno espa o para sobrevivência. Os processos supurativos nos animais domésticos s o relativamente frequentes. Em decorrência de doen as infectocontagiosas de curso purulento ou da agressividade do meio em que vivem. No hamster, o hábito de armazenar alimentos com extremidades pontiagudas nas bochechas, pode lesionar a pele e comumente causar abscessos nesta espécie. No entanto, outras les es podem levar à supura o, tais como afec es testiculares tumorais ou n o tumorais produzidas ou n o por les o de continuidade da pele, levando à intumescência (VITAL et al., 2007). Este trabalho relata um caso de um hamster atendido no Hospital Veterinário da FAFRAM com histórico clínico de inquieta o, anorexia e lambedura frequente da regi o escrotal. Ao exame clínico constatou-se através de pun


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