En torno a Heidegger y un filósofo de la Escuela de Kioto: De la subjetividad incondicionada al 'entre' y el espacio del desocultamiento en la contienda mundo / tierraKeywords: Unconditioned subjectivity , Nothing , Between , the Open , nihilism , struggle between Earth and World , substraction of the being Abstract: The following essay has as fundamental sense to advise the transformations whose take place when the subjectivity to forme oneself from the nothing transforming to oneself then in one “between”. In a place where would occurs the struggle world and earth (Heidegger) or as in the case Shizuteru Ueda, in a “berween” where forms one self as “nature” and “you” at the same time. The text from which I am thinking is Heidegger`s Nietzsche. Thinking to the representational subjectivity, its disruption and its possibilities as a posthumanist way of being is the attempt of this essay.