Las críticas de Habermas a Foucault y Sloterdijk; en torno al discurso filosófico de la modernidad y la teoría consensualKeywords: Speech , modernity , Habermas , power , Foucault , rationality , hermeneutics , biopolitics , Sloterdijk , theory of communicative action Abstract: This paper will review the critique developed by Habermas to Foucault, as described in Chapters IX and X of the philosophical discourse of modernity. Then compare it with Foucault's ideas. This work will resume and discuss issues concerning the relationship between rationality and power, trying to clarify what comes into play in this relationship?It finally explores the scope and validity of the criticisms of Habermas to the thesis presented by Sloterdijk in his talk entitled "Standards for the Human Park" and the controversy that veiled criticism raised