Las nuevas aventuras de la Dialéctica: Guattari, Virno y i ekKeywords: Dialectic , Movement , Institution , Merleau-Ponty , Holloway , Guattari , Virno , i ek Abstract: In 1955 Merleau-Ponty made a reevaluation of the Marxist stakes of his time. Problematization of the ideas of progress and meaning that was in-between the refusal of the revolution as historical fact, the shy defense of its values and the redefinition of left-wing institutions.More than 40 years after, philosophers as diverse as John Holloway, Félix Guattari, Paolo Virno, Daniel Bensa d and Slavoj i ek, play that very game once again, dealing with the legacy of revolution, and thinking it as event, movement and institution.Repeating the gesture of Merleau-Ponty, and from those open perspectives, we try to find elements for the redefinition of a militant thought able to embody the imponderability of new knowledge, new techniques, new political data.