Las relaciones entre verdad y racionalidad, según Hilary PutnamKeywords: Pragmatism , truth , rationality , metaphysics , history Abstract: The present article points out, with certain detail, the theses that Hilary Putnam exposes in Reason, Truth and History, from which (and against he understands as metaphysical realism and the “copy” theory of truth) he proposes his internalist theory of truth.According to the author in the text in question, truth is a kind of rational acceptability (idealized) –ideal coherence of our beliefs among them and with our experiences, as experiences represented in our system of beliefs– and it is not a correspondence with “states of things” independent of mind or speech. The critical valuation aims at showing the misconceptions and misunderstandings, that they are supposed in Putnam′s affirmations respect to metaphysical realism.