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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Glycerol: A promising Green Solvent and Reducing Agent for Metal-Catalyzed Transfer Hydrogenation Reactions and Nanoparticles Formation

DOI: 10.3390/app3010055

Keywords: glycerol, green solvent, hydrogen donor, transfer hydrogenation, reduction reactions, metal catalysis, metal nanoparticles

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Glycerol is a non-toxic, non-hazardous, non-volatile, biodegradable, and recyclable liquid that is generated as a byproduct in the manufacture of biodiesel fuel from vegetable oils. Due to its easy availability, along with its unique combination of physical and chemical properties, glycerol has recently emerged as an economically appealing and safe solvent for organic synthesis. Recent works have also demonstrated that glycerol can be used as a hydrogen source in metal-catalyzed transfer hydrogenation of organic compounds, such as aldehydes, ketones, olefins and nitroarenes. Herein, the advances reached in this emerging field are reviewed. The utility of glycerol as solvent and reducing agent for the generation of metal nanoparticles is also briefly discussed.


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