ROLE OF MIDDLEWARE FOR INTERNET OF THINGS: A STUDYKeywords: Internet of Things , middleware , semantic model , context-awareness , ubiquitous computing. Abstract: Internet of Things (IoT) has been recognized as a part of future internet and ubiquitous computing. Itcreates a true ubiquitous or smart environment. It demands a complex distributed architecture withnumerous diverse components, including the end devices and application and association with theircontext. This article provides the significance of middleware system for (IoT). The middleware for IoTacts as a bond joining the heterogeneous domains of applications communicating over heterogeneousinterfaces. First, to enable the better understanding of the current gap and future directions in this field acomprehensive review of the existing middleware systems for IoT is provided here. Second, fundamentalfunctional blocks are proposed for this middleware system, and based on that feature wise classificationis performed on the existing IoT-middleware. Third, open issues are analyzed and our vision on theresearch scope in this area is presented.