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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Deslocamento miscível de cátions provenientes da vinha a em colunas de solo Miscible displacement of cations from vinasse in soil columns

Keywords: água residuária , fator de retardamento , coeficientes de dispers o-difus o , wastewater , retardation factor , dispersion-diffusion coefficients

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Com o objetivo de avaliar o fator de retardamento, o coeficiente de dispers o-difus o e as curvas de efluente dos íons cálcio, magnésio e potássio presentes na vinha a, realizou-se um experimento em laboratório com colunas dos solos Latossolo Vermelho Distrófico (LVd), Latossolo Vermelho Eutroférrico (LVef) e Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo Distrófico (LVAd). As colunas foram interligadas a frascos de Mariotte contendo água destilada e, em seguida, a frascos contendo água residuária. As concentra es relativas às amostras do efluente, correspondentes aos respectivos volumes de poros, foram utilizadas a fim de se obter as curvas experimentais de efluente para o potássio, cálcio e magnésio. Utilizou-se o programa Disp 1.1 para, a partir dos dados das curvas de efluente, obter os valores dos fatores de retardamento (fR) e os coeficientes de dispers o-difus o (D) para os íons. Os maiores valores de fR foram obtidos para o potássio no LVd, seguido do cálcio no LVAd e por último o potássio no LVAd. Os menores valores de fR e de D para todos os íons avaliados foram obtidos no LVef. O magnésio apresentou os menores valores de fR e D, nos três solos avaliados. In order to evaluate the retardation factor, dispersion coefficient and diffusion-effluent curves of calcium, magnesium and potassium present in the vinasse, a laboratory experiment was conducted in soil columns of typical Distrophic Red Latosol (LVd), typical Eutroferric Red Latosol (LVef) and typical Distrophic Yellow Red Latosol (LVAd). The columns were connected to the Mariotte bottle containing distilled water and then the vials containing wastewater. The relative concentrations of the samples of the effluent corresponding to the respective pore volumes were used to obtain the experimental curves of the effluent for potassium, calcium and magnesium. To obtain the retardation factors (fR) and dispersion-diffusion coefficients (D) for the ions, the data of the effluent curves and the Disp 1.1 program were used. The highest values of fR were obtained for potassium in LVd, followed by calcium in the LVAd and lastly, the potassium in the LVAd. The lowest fR and D values for all studied ions were obtained in LVef. Magnesium showed the lowest values of fR and D in the three evaluated soils.


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