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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Pre-World War II Romania from Latvian Perspective: An Envoy's views

Keywords: Latvia , Romania , World War II , international relations , Ludvigs ē is

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:The paper approaches the working environment and observations of Latvian envoy Ludvigs ē is in Romania from the autumn of 1939 when the Latvian Legation was opened in Bucharest until the summer of 1940 when the State of Latvia was liquidated. The main focus is on the Latvian-Romanian relations in this period of time, the Romanian foreign and economical policy and the reaction of Romanian statesmen and society to the events and processes of the first stage of World War: the policy of Soviet Union, Germany and Hungary, the Soviet-Finnish War and other conflicts in region and in Europe. The article is based on the materials stored in the State Archives of Latvia and particularly on Ludvigs Ekis’ reports. In a time when war was raging in Europe, Romania, too, was subject to considerable international pressure. Some similarities can be detected between the developments in this region and in the Baltic States.Rezumat:Lucrarea abordeaz mediul de lucru i observa iile ministrului leton n Romania Ludvigs ē is ncepand din toamna anului 1939, cand Lega ia leton a fost deschis la Bucure ti, pan n vara anului 1940, cand statul leton a fost lichidat. Lucrarea se va concentra n principal asupra rela iilor letono-romane n aceast perioad de timp, asupra politicii externe i a celei economice, a reac iei oamenilor de stat i a societ ii romane ti fa de evenimente i procese desf urate n prima etap a primului r zboi mondial: politicile Uniunii Sovietice, Germaniei i Ungariei, R zboiul sovieto-finlandez i alte conflicte regionale i europene. Articolul se bazeaz pe materiale p strate n arhivele de stat din Letonia i n special pe rapoartele lui Ludvigs ē is. ntr-un moment n care r zboiul f cea ravagii n Europa, Romania a fost, de asemenea, supus unor presiuni interna ionale considerabile. Unele similitudini pot fi detectate ntre evolu iile din aceast regiune i cele din Statele Baltice.


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