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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




The Nansen Commission and the Romanian Prisoners of War’s repatriation from the Russian territories

Keywords: POWs , Russia , The International Red Cross , The International Relief Credit Commission , Nansen Commission

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:The end of the Great War was the beginning of a long string of problems requiring immediate solutions, one of the most important of which being the repatriation of former prisoners of war. Given the fact that there were a large number of prisoners as a result of the huge amount of troops engaged in the conflict, we can approximate a number of 6,637,000 prisoners at the end of the war. This situation did not remain without consequences in the international debate. At the Paris Peace Conference, the General Secretariat had organized a Special Committee on all matters relating to prisoners. The lead of the Commission was entrusted to Fridtjof Nansen, explorer, scientist and public figure of the period. However, there were a number of difficulties generated by the absence of Russia from the Peace Conference. This country did not obey any decisions of the Commission, having neither rights, nor duties. To solve the problems, the High Commissioner made use of the prestige given by the League of Nations in order to facilitate the carrying out of his duty, but in reality the effort to repatriate the prisoners was supported by humanitarian agencies and private organizations, for example the International Red Cross. Overall the Mission led by Dr. Nansen managed to repatriate 427,885 prisoners, 19,188 of whom were Romanians.Rezumat:Sfar itul Marelui R zboi a fost nceputul unui ir lung de probleme care necesitau solu ii imediate, dintre care unul dintre cele mai importante a fost repatrierea fo tilor prizonieri de r zboi. Avand n vedere faptul c a existat un num r mare de prizonieri, ca urmare a magnitudinii trupelor angajate n conflict, putem aproxima un num r de 6.637.000 de prizonieri la sfar itul r zboiului. Aceast situa ie nu a r mas f r consecin e n cadrul dezbaterii interna ionale i la Conferin a de Pace de la Paris, Secretariatul General a organizat un comitet special cu privire la toate aspectele legate de prizonieri. Conducerea Comisiei i-a fost ncredin at lui Fridtjof Nansen, explorator, om de tiin i figur public a perioadei. Cu toate acestea, au existat o serie de dificult i generate de absen a Rusiei de la Conferin a de Pace. Aceast ar nu se supunea nici uneia din deciziile Comisiei, neavand nici drepturi, nici obliga ii. Pentru a rezolva problemele, naltul Comisar a f cut uz de prestigiul dat de c tre Liga Na iunilor pentru a facilita realizarea scopului s u, dar, n realitate, efortul de a repatria prizonierii a fost sus inut de c tre agen iile umanitare i de organiza iile private, de exemplu de Crucea Ro ie Interna ion


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