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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Avi Sorting Network

Keywords: Sorting , Parallel , Network , Avi and Comparator

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Sorting network is an abstract mathematical modelwhich can be used as a multiple-input, multiple-output switchingnetwork to sort the data in ascending or descending order [1].Sorting has been one of the most critical applications on parallelcomputing machines. Many classic textbooks on algorithms likeThomas H. Cormen, therefore consider this problem in greatdetail and list many sorting network for this purpose [2]. Thereare many sorting algorithms as the Bubble / Insertion sorter,Odd-Even sorter, Sort the data in O(log2 n)2 time complexity andsome other sorter have O(n2) as time complexity, where n is thenumber of elements. In this paper we propose a sorting networkcalled “Avi S orter” having time complexity O(n log2 n) which isbased on just similar to bubble sort algorithm. This sortingnetwork provides the easy way to understand and manipulate theconcept of sorting network.


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