THE USE OF THE METHOD OF CONFORMAL MAPPINGS TO DETERMINE VELOCITY FIELDS OF AIR FLOWS IN VENTILATION PROBLEMSKeywords: conformal mapping , velocity field , electric current lines , ventilation Abstract: Problem statement. Modern informational technologies make it possible to solve various complexproblems of aerodynamics including problems of ventilation at different dynamic characteristicsof flows. The article deals with the problem of ventilation with the use of low-velocity irrotationalair flows. Known numerical methods of calculation of electric current related to the solutionof large systems of partial differential equations and are faulty with respect to reliability and calculationprecision. The use of the method of conformal mappings to determine velocity fields in ventilationproblems is substantiated.Results and conclusions. The method for calculation of velocity fields and electric current lines inventilated premises has been developed based on the method of conformal mappings and assumptionof irrotational type of air flow motion. Application of this method allows one to calculate requiredfields using simpler algorithms without multiple computer calculations.