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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Geleneksel Medyadan Yeni Medyaya: G rüntü Yüzeyi

Keywords: New Media , New Screen , Surfaces of Representation , Interface

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All images surrounding us are objects, thoughts, or even something that could not possibly exist reproduced on a certainsurface. Rather than portraying the real world, images show us a selected world in which the portrayals are simply representationsof reality. All visualization efforts, from conventional imaging techniques to today’s three-dimensional video technology, focus onthe imagery of real objects. Up until the discovery of photography, the conventional method of representing images on a surfacewas painting. Following the development of photography, the function of the painter’s hand was reassigned to the photographer’seye. Thus conventional imaging techniques gave way to picturing with light. Film and motion picture technology which, quicklysucceeded photography, completely transformed the manner and format of viewing imagery. Many conventional viewingpractices belonging to the conventional world of images and performances were reunited for film and were manifested into a newform unique to film. Cinematographic traditions had the chance to develop within the film industry and the screen transformedinto a tool of expression in which tradition of genres were beginning to form. Within this technological evolution, the imageproduction technology that established the concept of a screen and in which this concept was utilized most was the televisionbroadcast system. The greatest significance of the television screen compared with other image production technologies is thatscreen images are not projected onto a surface, but are created in a self-illuminated environment. The screen is itself a surfacewith light and the screen elements (pixels) that create the image are themselves individual light sources. The primary aspect of atelevision screen that differentiates it from other image production techniques is that its surface is not merely a field ofreproduction, but also the representational surface of a mass communication device. Due to these unique communicationcharacteristics of television, it surpasses the creation of infinite representations of reality on a screen, and through the usagepractices it has established in daily life it causes the establishment of a new cultural form (Williams, 1990). This process is one ofthe crucial steps in the establishment of the screen generation in the 21st century.The most significant revolutionary transformation of the screen has taken place with mobile phones. Previous attempts atvarious applications in wristwatches never achieved such effective commercial success, however additional functionalities andapplica


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