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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Tuna Gazetesi Perspektifinden Tuna Vilayeti’ndeki 1873 Tarihli Kolera Salg n

Keywords: The Danube , Balkan , Rumelia , Bulgaria , cholera , epidemic , disease , quarantine

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The Ottoman Empire carried out some changes in local administration in 1864 and began to apply provincial system (vilayetsistemi) instead of principality system (eyalet sistemi). The Danubian Province which came to the fore during the governorship ofMithad Pa a is an important province especially in respect to the printing house and the newspaper called Tuna. The importanceof the province is also because of the geographical position of the province. The great part of the province is situated next to theRiver Danube. The Danube which was ascribed great importance to itself was used from the ancient times on for the purposes oftrading, transporting, travelling etc. Even during the military expeditions made to the regions near by the Danube the OttomanState took the advantage of the river in maximal level. During the second half of the XIXth century with special reference to1873, the Danubian Province had 6 sanjaks (Ruse, Vidin, Varna, Sofia, Tirnovo and Tulcea), 41 districts and 18 townships. Thecapital city of the Province was Ruse (Rus uk).The main source of this study is the Tuna Newspaper. This newspaper has two pages and four columns in each page. It waspublished in Ruse two times a week, Sunday and Wednesday. The newspaper has four main titles, Special Subjects, General Subjects,News from Abroad and Advertisements. Under these titles one can find especially political, economic, socio-cultural news. On theother hand, sometimes news about health can also be found.Cholera which is the main topic of this study is a kind of mortal epidemic disease emerging in India in 1768. In the pastbecause of this epidemic disease lots of people died. Cholera epidemic also showed its mortal effects in the first half of the XIXthcentury. During the second half of the XIXth century, especialy in 1965 and 1973 we can see the fatal effects of cholera epidemicagain. Cholera epidemic in the Danubian Province appeared first in Vidin in May 7, 1873. During the year in the sanjaks, districts,townships and villages of the Province about 1171 people died and 2000 people became ill because of the disease. The mostaffected districts and towns of the Danubian Province from cholera were Ruse, Tulcea, Tirnovo, Hezargrad, Pleven, Shumen,Berkofca, Orhaniye, Hirsova and Pravadi. It is estimated also for he world that because of chlora epidemic 183.549 people died,247.718 people returned to health and 2.028 people continued treatment till December,1873.It is well known that the most important measure for cholera disease is the application of quarantine and admission tocordon. When a chole


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