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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Seydi ehir ile Bey ehir’in klimlerinin Kar la t r lmas

Keywords: Mediterranean Mountain Climate , Continental-Mediterranean Transition Climate , Climate of Bey ehir , Climate of

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Climate is a component that controls vital activities of people as well as being direct or indirect determinant of many factorssuch as forestation, transportation, agriculture, environment, animal husbandry etc. Therefore, it is found useful to comparativelyexamine climatic properties of Bey ehir and Seydi ehir that are very close to each other, but have some differences in respect ofclimate. n this research water balances and diagrams of each stations were calculated according to the Thorntwaite formula (1948)and drought indices of all stations were calculated according to Erin formula (1965), and their graphs were made. Also, climaticproperties of study field was attempted to be revealed by using formulas developed researchers such as De Martonne-Gottmann(1942), K ppen (1928). Also klimograms were prepared in order to see situation of humidity more easily. Maps are drawed byMapInfo 9.5 software. Meteorological measurements of Seydisehir and Bey ehir are taken from Turkish State MeteorogicalService (2007). The office programs are used for tables and figures.Bey ehir and Seydi ehir are located at the southeast of Konya and on Bey ehir-Su la tectonic groove. Seydi ehir is located atthe southwest of Konya than Bey ehir and nearer to the Taurus Mountains. Distance between Bey ehir and Seydi ehir is 30 km.Altitude, Sunshine Duration and Latitude of two centers are almost the same, but there are considerable differences in the amountand rainfall regime of precipitation of these two centers that are so close to each other and located within macroclimate of theMediterranean Sea. Effectiveness of air mass influencing these centers in winters underlies these differences. Precipitation rationin winter shows that influences of Mediterranean Sea in Seydi ehir nearer to Taurus Mountains are relatively stronger. Thissituation is completely related to the extensional direction and altitude of Taurus Mountains Eastern-Western directionalextension and altitude of Taurus Mountains does not enable tropical and polar air masses to progress in habitual movementdirections. Therefore, in winters tropical air masses cannot reach inside (Central Anatolia) and polar air masses to the coasts(Mediterranean). Thus, inside of Anatolia nearly becomes a bowl filled with a polar air mass especially in winters. Seydi ehir islocated at the border region of this bowl filled with a polar air mass and Bey ehir inside it. Therefore, Seydi ehir becomes a meetingarea of cold air masses that comes up in this area with damp air masses that crosses the mountains just at the south of it, whilethis


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