Scriptura 2012
REFLECTING ON PAUL’S (NON-)USE OF THE OLD TESTAMENT IN THE LETTER TO THE ROMANSDOI: 10.7833/108-1-2 Keywords: Old Testament , Letter to the Romans , Paul , Exegetical techniques , Hermeneutics Abstract: In endeavouring to contribute towards a better understanding of the letter to the Romans, as well as the Old Testament, attention is paid to Paul's expressed views on the Old Testament; the centrality of the Christ event in his thinking; his use of contemporary exegetical techniques; his employment of quotations, general references and allusions to the Old Testament; his use of the LXX; his reading of the Old Testament in (and out) of context; his understanding of the law; his view of justification by faith as Paul's own creative thinking; the difference between Paul and Jesus' view of the Old Testament and Paul's non-use of the Old Testament. Concluding remarks are made about an 'empathetic' reading of the Old Testament and the letter to the Romans, accounting for both texts' true nature. doi: 10.7833/108-1-2