RSAED: Robust and Secure Aggregation of Encrypted Data in Wireless Sensor NetworksKeywords: Data Aggregation , Wireless Sensor Networks , Homomorphic encryption , Elliptic Curve Cryptography Abstract: Recently, secure in-network aggregation in wireless sensor networks becomes a challenge issue, there isan extensive research on this area due to the large number of applications where the sensors aredeployed and the security needs. In the last few years, aggregation of encrypted data has been proposedin order to maintain secrecy between the sensors and the sink, so the end-to-end data confidentiality isprovided. However, the data integrity was not addressed. In this paper, we propose RSAED that allowsintegrity verification at intermediate nodes, ensures the base station to receive ciphertexts which comeonly from legitimate nodes and also improves the efficiency. Through implementation results, we evaluateour scheme using computation and communication overhead.