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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721



Biomirror  2012 

An In-silico attempt to catch hold of the novel microRNAs in the Bio Energy Plant (Jatropha curcus) : A Big search

Keywords: Jatropha curcus , Small RNA , MicroRNA , EST.

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The oil-rich and weedy plant Jatropha has been hailed as the mostpromising source of biofuel on the planet, as a non-food, droughtresistantand oil-rich crop, Jatropha curcas fulfils many of therequirements for biofuel industries.A better understanding of the biochemical pathway leading to thesynthesis of Jatropha oil and its regulation both by exogenous andendogenous factors is essential for facilitating increased yield.Increasing evidence has shown that miRNAs play multiple roles invarious biological processes. The research finds previously knownmiRNAs from various plant species expressed sequence tags (EST)database to search for potential miRNAs and their targets in Jatrophacurcus.Here we present an EST (Expressed Sequence Tags) based homologysearch approach for the detection of miRNAs and their targets inJatropha curcas using previously known miRNA sequences fromOryza sativa, Arabidopsis thaliana, Populus trichocarpa, Ricinuscommunis, Citrus sinensis, Vitis vinifera. We find presence of nomiRNAs. What can be the cause?


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