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Short term impact of smoking on cardio-vascular functioning in adults from industrial town in Western Maharashtra, India

Keywords: Smoking , Cardiovascular function , Blood pressure , ECG

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Tobacco smoking is known risk factor for the development of hypertension, coronary artery disease, acute myocardial infarction and sudden cardiac death. In India, smoking is becoming more and more popular among young adults.Hence, a study planned to evaluate impact of smoking on adult cardiovascular functions. This study evaluated the effect of smoking on blood pressure and ECG in the 30 adultsmokers inthe age group of 25-35 years. 30 age & sex matched non-smokers functioned as control. Statistical significant rise in pulse rate and blood pressure of smokers and non-smokers was found. Pulse rate in smokers was found to be (87, SEM ± 16.53) and in non-smokers it was found to be (75, SEM ± 7.82), (p=0.0007). Systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings were found to be raised to near hypertension levels in smokers (140/90mm of Hg) in comparison to the non-smokers (120/70mm of Hg), (p<0.0001). No significant differences were observed in PR interval, QRS complex, RR interval, ST segment. Difference between groups was tested by t-test, Wilcoxon-Signed Rank test as applicable. It was found that smoking in adults causes adverse cardiovascular changes. In order to prevent the risk of adverse cardiovascular changes in adults, the adults should refrain from smoking.


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