SCHEME FOR ENERGY SAVING MEASURES IN GAZA STRIP AT NO COSTKeywords: Energy savings , energy conservation , energy management , Gaza electricity Abstract: The Palestinian electricity sector suffers from many electrical problems among them high electrical deficit rate, annual demand/growth studies, and absent energy management strategies and skills. The electrical deficit rate is estimated around 30%. One strategic solution to reduce the rate of electrical deficit is through energy saving measures for the commercial sector in Gaza Strip. The two approaches selected are lumen design method and optimal thermostat calibration in summer seasonal. Energy audits and analysis were particularly performed at Gaza Training Center, as commercial sector, and achieved saving of about 7% from the total electrical consumption with no additional cost. If we assume this percentage is the average saving of electrical energy that could be achieved in commercial sector of Gaza Strip by adopting the no cost electrical energy actions, then the rate of electrical deficit deceases to 23.3 %. This result highlights deficiencies in electrical power and huge wasted energy due to absent of electrical conservations programs. This study devises specific no cost electrical conservation approaches to commercial sector and being applicable for other sectors through energy management to overcome the electrical energy deficiency and reduce the electrical rate of deficit.