Journal of Asymmetry 2010
Visual lateralization in wild: perceiving of novel object in beluga whale (delphinapterus leucas)Keywords: beluga whale , novel object , exploratory behavior , visual lateralization , left eye , right hemisphere , natural conditions Abstract: Visual lateralization during observation of a novel object was studied in beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) under natural conditions. As a novel object we used the underwater video camera, which simultaneously recorded whale behaviour. Video camera was placed on the bottom in the area of the beluga summer mating aggregation. After appearance of the novel object in the environment belugas demonstrated exploratory behavior: closely approached to the object and observed it monocularly. Belugas were found to possess visual lateralization on a group level during perceiving of the novel object. While observing it, whales used the left eye significantly more frequently and for a longer time, demonstrating the contralateral (right) hemisphere dominance in recognition of novel stimuli.