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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Development and factorial structure of students’ evaluation of teaching effectiveness scale in mathematics

Keywords: Factorial structure , students’ evaluation of teaching effectiveness , mathematics achievement

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This study dealt with the development and factorial validation of a students’ evaluation of teaching effectiveness scale inmathematics (SETES-M) which could be used to evaluate Nigerian Secondary Schools mathematics teachers’ teachingeffectiveness. The effect of SETES-M on achievement in mathematics was also considered. In its final form, the 60-item SETESMis a 4-point Likert rating scale containing seven sub-scales. The construct validity of SETES-M was assessed and judged asadequate using factor analysis. Item loadings of 0.36 or above on seven principal factors were recorded. The internalconsistency estimate of the sub-scales using Cronbach coefficient α ranged from 0.70 to 0.84 while the overall internalconsistency estimate for SETES-M was 0.77. Students’ evaluation of teaching effectiveness factors accounted for 49.4% of thevariance in mathematics achievement. The seven factors made significant relative contributions to the variance of students’achievement in mathematics and were found to be good predictors of achievement in mathematics.


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