Trade, Development, and the Broken Promise of InterdependenceKeywords: Trade , Development Abstract: The profound promise implied in expanding and deepeningcommunity is often invoked and celebrated in discussions ofincreasing global interdependence. Growing interdependenceimplies ever-widening circles of concern. It also implies atleast tacitly questioning the acceptance of independence forsome and dependence for (many) others. Such implications, Ithink, are entirely laudable.From a Buddhist perspective, as well as from that of much ofcontemporary science, interdependence can be affirmed asthe deep nature of all things. Yet, there are Buddhistteachings that the cycles of conditions leading to suffering ortrouble (samsara) are without beginning, as well as teachingsthat all beings have Buddha-nature or the capacity forenlightenment (nirvana). Affirming that all things ariseinterdependently is not to affirm that they do so in anecessarily liberating way. Interdependence, we can say, hasno essential self-nature. It can mean increasing wealth,skillful means, and happiness. It can also mean deepeningpoverty, trouble, and suffering. Realizing the promise ofexpanded and deepened community in the context ofincreasing economic, social, political, and culturalglobalization pivots on keenly discerning existing andemerging patterns of interdependence and orienting them in aliberating (nirvanic) rather than a troubling (samsaric)direction. Ultimately, the promises of community and ofdeepening interdependence turn on karma - that is, on thespecific experiential force of intentions and values.