Dental Hypotheses 2010
Mahajan's Modification of the Miller’s Classification for Gingival RecessionKeywords: Miller’s classification , Gingival Recession , Periodontal Diseases Abstract: Introduction: Miller has primar-ily based his classification of gingival recession defects on two aspects: Extent of gingival recession defects and Extent of hard and soft tissue loss in interdental areas surrounding the gingival recession defects. Based on the above criteria Miller classified the gingival re-cession defects into four classes and also took prognosis into account. The prognosis decreases from class 1 to class 4 and the treatment options are also limited from class 1 having maximum treatment options and class 4 having minimum options for treatment. The hypothesis: At first glance classification looks comprehensive and simple to use but close screening points out some of the inherent drawbacks associated in this classification system. Since the ultimate goal of any classification system is to facilitate common standardized identification of the condition under consideration, aid in di-agnosis and prognosis and thus finalizing an appropriate treat-ment plan for the condition; the present manuscript is an attempt to emphasize the need to modify Miller’s classification to make it more comprehensive and updated according to the recent concepts.Evaluation of the hypothesis: The hypothesis highlights some inherent drawbacks and necessary changes in Miller’s Classification system and emphasizes the need to update it.