O Contexto Ambiental e as Mudan as Organizacionais no Setor de C&T Agrícola do ParanáAbstract: This article has as objective the description of the ambient conditions that had influenced the reorganization of the sector of Paraná Agricultural S&T in the period between 1980 and 2007. By means of secondary data - books, articles, dissertations, pages of the Internet, among others - it was investigated the conditions that had propitiated the institutionalization of new standards of performance of the public agricultural S&T organizations. The research showed that to increase the financial resources destined to the financing of the research, the organizations of agricultural S&T had searched for bigger competitiveness, using models of enterprise management. This occurred in national scope, with the Brazilian Company of Farming Research (Embrapa), like in the state, with the Agronomic Institute of Paraná (Iapar). Thus, if analyzing the ambient conditions for which the organizations had passed and the structural changes tending to the similarity, it was observed mainly the coercitive isomorphism, because the ambient pressures of the organizational field.