Research on Post Evaluation Model of Highway Economic Benefits Based on Buffer OperatorKeywords: post evaluation model;buffer operator;GM (1,1) model;Yu chang highway Abstract: Direct application of GM (1,1) model on the post evaluation of highway economic effectiveness may get unreasonable conclusions,therefore the present paper preprocess the raw modeling data through buffer operator technique to eliminate the impact of shock disturbed on the predicted results of GM (1,1) mode,and on this basis,build a more reasonable post evaluation model of highway economic effectiveness AKs^(1)(k+1)=(s(0)(1)-b/a)×e-ak+b/a.This model is applied to evaluate the economic effectiveness of the Yu chang highway,and get the reasonable conclusion that the construction of highway has a stimulating effect on the development of local economic;the result has important impact on enriching and improving the post evaluation theoretical system,and promoting the effective association between the grey model and the practical issues.