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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




On the Human Activities and Climate Change of Holocene in North China

Keywords: Holocene , the north China , human activities , climate variability

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We take it as human activity intensity index instructions based on the published 14C s data of remains of prehistoric culture in the north of China, which unified correction for calendar year according to one hundred year statistics section partition finishing. The following research results were found that: 11.5~8 kaBP for the first stage, human activity is weak in north China; the second phase is 8~4 kaBP, human activity increase until 4 kaBP peak; 4~ 3 kaBP human activities record fell. And through the clustering analysis shows that, the human activities of the Holocene China can be divided into monsoon edge, Henan and Shaanxi three kinds; 4kaBP the human activities to achieve the monsoon edge heyday, then began to decline for the weak monsoon debilitated rapidly; 3.6 kaBP, the Henan become activity center after the monsoon is weak. This evolution pattern has the same trend with the dynasties activity center of early China.


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