STUDY OF VARIOUS SOLVENTS FOR PHOLCODINE DETERMINATION USING UV SPECTROPHOTOMETERKeywords: Pholcodine , absorbance method , UV , method development. Abstract: Pholcodine is an opioid cough suppressant (anti-tussive). The objective of this work was study of various solvents for Pholcodine determination using UV Spectrophotometer and to develop a new method for determination of the Pholcodine by using UV-Visible Spectrophotometer that would be more accurate and cheapest. A number of solvents were used during the study those were methanol, chloroform, water, 0.1N KOH and 0.1N HCL that were soluble in Pholcodine and by using absorbance method at (285±1) nm wave length we finds that methanol (r2=0.999) and 0.1N HCL (r2=0.999) are the best solvents for the determination of Pholcodine by using UV Spectrophotometer.