Impact Of Various Factors On Probability Of Reachability In Manet: A SurveyKeywords: Ad-hoc network , collision , , routing protocol Abstract: The Probability of Reachability (POR) is defined as fraction of possible reachable routes to all possible routes between all different sources to all different destinations. In network like Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) adequate level of POR is desirable for its smooth functioning. Its value depends upon various factors such as Transmission Range (T), Number of Nodes (N), node mobility, channel fading, shape and size of the region where the ad-hoc network is to be deployed. To find the impact of N,T, size and shape on the value of POR, a shortest path routing algorithm was implemented in MATLAB and effect of the above said parameters was studied. We observe significant impact of varying not only N and T but also of varying size and shape of the region on the POR values.