Ant Colony Optimization Based Modified Termite Algorithm (MTA) with Efficient Stagnation Avoidance Strategy for MANETsKeywords: Ant colony optimization , MANET , Node stability , Termite Algorithm , stagnation Abstract: Designing an effective load balancing algorithm is difficult due to Dynamic topology of MANET. Toaddress the problem, a load balancing routing algorithm namely Modified Termite Algorithm (MTA) hasbeen developed based on ant’s food foraging behavior. Stability of the link is determined based on nodestability factor ‘’. The stability factor “ “of the node is the ratio defined between the “hello sent” and“hello replied” by a node to its neighbors. This also indicates the link stability in relation to other pathstowards the destination. A higher ratio of “” indicates that the neighbor node is more stable. Using thisconcept pheromone evaporation for the stable node is fine tuned such that if the ratio “” is more, theevaporation is slow and if “” is less the evaporation is faster. This leads to decreasing of the pheromonecontent in an optimal path which may result in congestion. These paths can be avoided using efficientevaporation technique. The MTA developed by adopting efficient pheromone evaporation technique willaddress the load balancing problems and expected to enhance the performance of the network in terms ofthroughput, and reduces End-to-end delay and Routing overheads