PROPUESTA DE UN MéTODO DIAGNóSTICO-PRONóSTICO PARA EL ANáLISIS Y EL SEGUIMIENTO DE LA HEPATOPATíA ALCOHóLICA CRóNICAKeywords: Method , Chronic hepatopathy , Alcohol Abstract: Chronic alcoholism is a disease requiring constant monitoring and control. Taking into account the important organic alteration caused by alcoholic toxicity, the "diagnostic- prognostic method" has been conceived and applied to patients with risky alcohol consumption and alcohol-induced liver alterations. 116 patients - 97 males and 19 females - with a history of risky alcohol ingestion and showing alcoholic liver disease signs have been followed up on a periodic basis in order to inform them of both their liver disease evolution and updated prediction. It has been proved that applying the new "diagnosis - prediction" method leads to a very significant reduction and resolution of alcohol ingestion, with higher effectiveness in females than in males; at the same time, it facilitates a long term suppression and reinforces the patient's decision to remain abstemious