Massive Retroperitoneal Tumour Complicating Advanced Pregnancy: A Surgical ChallengeKeywords: Retroperitoneal Tumour , Pregnancy , Leiomyoma Abstract: Leiomyomas or fibroids are most common uterine tumours and are often associated with pregnancy.There is a common belief that uterine growths increase in size during pregnancy.Giant uterine leiomyomagoing retroperitoneally concomitant with pregnancy, is a rare clinical entity, a diagnostic dilemma and agreat surgical challenge.We hereby, describe a case of giant retroperitonial tumour complicating thepregnancy. A massive tumor of approximately 40cm x 35 cm, unencapsulated, fleshy and 'sarcomatoid' inconsistency with increased vascularity occupying entire retroperitoneum was seen.Retroperitoneally tumourwas dissected from bilateral ureters, inferior vena cava, aorta and bilateral iliac vessels. Uterus, bothovaries and cervix along with tumour mass was removed.The tumour mass weighed 8 kg and onhistopathology a degenerated leiomyoma was diagnosed.