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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Patterns of Citing Korean DOI Journals According to CrossRef's Cited-by Linking and a Local Journal Citation Database

DOI: 10.1633/jistap.2013.1.2.4

Keywords: Journal citation analysis , Korean journals , Reference linking , Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) , Publishing country , Publishing language

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Citing literature is a very important activity for scholars in writing articles. Many publishers and libraries build citation databases and provide citation reports on scholarly journals. Cited-by linking is a service representing what an article cites and how many times it cites a specific article within a journal database. Recently, information services based on DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) have been increasing in number. CrossRef, a non-profit organization for the DOI registration agency, maintains the DOI system and provides the cited-by linking service. Recently, the number of Korean journals adopting DOI is also rapidly increasing. The Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI) supports Korean learned societies in DOI related activities in collaboration with CrossRef. This study analyzes cited patterns of Korean DOI journal articles using CrossRef's cited-by linking data and a Korean journal citation database. This analysis has been performed in terms of publication country and the language of journals citing Korean journal articles. The results show that DOI, SCI(E) (Science Citation Index (Expanded)), and English journals are more likely to be cited internationally.


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