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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Impact and Selectivity of Insecticides to Predators and Parasitoids

Keywords: Natural Enemies , Selective , Tolerance , Toxicity , Inimigos Naturais , Seletivo , Tolerancia , Toxicidade

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Problems with the use of insecticides has brought losses, such as, negative impact on natural enemies. When these beneficial insects reduce cause the eruption of pests and resurgence it’s more common. Thus principles of conservation these arthropods are extremely important in the biological natural control of pests, so that these enemies may present a high performance. Because of the negative impacts caused by insecticides on agriculture and their harmful effects on natural enemies, the objective of this article is to approach two important subjects, divided into three parts. Part I relates to the description of the main crop pests and their natural enemies; Part II involves the impact of insecticides on predators and parasitoids and Part III focuses on the selectivity of several groups of insecticides to natural enemies. Before spraying insecticides, it is necessary to choose a product that is efficient to pests and selective to natural enemies. So, it is indispensable to identify correctly the groups and species of natural enemies, since insecticides have an impact on their survival, growth, development, reproduction (sexual ratio, fecundity, longevity and fertility), and behavior (motility, orientation, feeding, oviposition and learning) of insects. The mechanisms of toxicity and selectivity of insecticides are related to the properties of higher or lower solubility and molecular weight. Besides, characteristics of the cuticular composition of the integument of natural enemies are extremely important in the selectivity of a product or the tolerance of a certain predator or parasitoid to this molecules.Impacto e Seletividade de Inseticidas para Predadores e ParasitóidesResumo.Dentre os problemas advindos do uso de inseticidas, a destrui o de inimigos naturais é fator importante. Estes insetos benéficos podem reduzir problemas de erup o de pragas secundárias, ressurgência de pragas e manter a praga abaixo do nível de dano econ mico. Dessa forma a conserva o de inimigos naturais, para que os mesmos exer am alta performance frente às pragas, é de extrema importancia em controle biológico de pragas. Método de controle essencial utilizados nos programas de manejo integrado de pragas. Tendo em vista os impactos negativos dos inseticidas na agricultura e os seus efeitos adversos sobre os inimigos naturais, este artigo visa abordar dois assuntos importantes, que para isso é dividido em três partes. A parte I relacionada com o reconhecimento das principais pragas agrícolas e seus inimigos naturais; a parte II envolve o impacto dos inseticidas sobre os predad


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