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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




A study on stress stimuli among the students of physical education

Keywords: Stress assessment , Stimuli , Coping strategy , Vulnerability towards stress.

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The present study was undertaken to study the stress level of physical education students in auniversity. Level of stress due to different stimuli and level of coping strategy of men and women weremeasured by using the questionnaire. Thirty male and thirty female physical education students were randomlyselected. Stress scores due to 1.Frustration and Inhibition, 2. Overload and 3.Compulsive, Time-urgent andAggression were recorded for each student using the questionnaire. These subjects were also tested for theirlevel of coping strategy. Scores obtained were analyzed using SPSS version 16.0. The results showed that thefrustration and inhibition had significant correlation with time-urgent and aggressive stimuli in the PG menwhereas, there was significant correlation between frustration and inhibition v/s overload stimuli among UGmen. Similarly in the UG and PG women there was a significant correlation between frustration and inhibitionv/s overload. Further, in PG women there was a negative relation between coping strategy and stress due totime-urgent and aggressive stimuli.Further, two way analysis of variance resulted that stress due to all the three stimuli i.e. frustration andinhibition (p=.003), overload (p=.049) and time-urgent and aggressive behavior (p=.042) were significantlyhigher among women in comparison to that of men irrespective of their classes. Whereas coping strategy(p=.048) was higher in men in comparison to that of women. In assessing the vulnerability towards stress it wasobserved that among the UG section 86.7% men were vulnerable to stress due to frustration and inhibitionwhereas 100% women were found to be vulnerable to the stress due to overload. In PG section 80% men werevulnerable to stress due to overload whereas 100% women were found to be vulnerable to stress due to timeurgent and aggressive behavior. In the UG section 80% men and 60% women were having adequate or goodcoping strategies whereas in PG section 80% men and 46.75% women were having adequate or good copingstrategies. Thus, it may be concluded that in general, women had inadequate coping strategies than that of menwhereas, they were more vulnerable to stress due to different stimuli in comparison to that of men.


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