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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Finite Element Analysis of Controllable Reactor

DOI: 10.12677/eaa.2012.11002, PP. 7-12

Keywords: 可控电抗器;有限元模型;ANSYS;降低损耗
Controllable Reactor
, Model Based on FEM, ANSYS, Reduce Consumption

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本文基于交流可控饱和电抗器的自励磁结构,建立了电抗器的有限元模型。以380 V/13A可控电抗器为研究对象,建立了可控电抗器磁场分布的ANSYS有限元模型。分析结果表明,在传统磁控电抗器的结构下的两个铁心柱小截面段的交替饱和,在小截面段附近铁心区域存在较大的横向磁场分量,增加了可控电抗器铁心和绕组附加损耗,可以通过对小截面进行了分段处理降低可控电抗器铁心和绕组的部分附加损耗。
Model of reactor based on the Finite Element Method (FEM) is built on base of a controllable reactor model with self-excitation structure. ANSYS simulation model of a 380 V/13Acontrollable reactor is built. The results show that the two small section segments of the cores of traditional controllable reactor saturate by turns, it increases the consumption of the cores and windings of controllable reactor, by separating the cores can it reduce the consumption of the controllable reactor.


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