Colloquium Vitae 2011
PREVALêNCIA DAS MALOCLUS ES EM CRIAN AS PRé-ESCOLARES NO MUNICíPIO DE LAVRINHAS, SPDOI: 10.5747/cv.2011.v03.n2.v050 Keywords: Preventive orthodontics , Malocclusion , Epidemiology Abstract: The aim of this study was to verify the prevalence of malocclusion in all preschool aged children in the municipality of Lavrinhas, SP, to know the most common orthodontic problems thus allowing proper orientation. Clinical examinations of 257 children were performed by viewing the dental arches, relating them to the criteria used to classify normal occlusion, transversal, vertical, sagittal and space problems. Data were tabulated and submitted to descriptive statistical analysis (%) and Pearson correlation test (0.05). A high incidence of malocclusion (91.05%) was found as well as negative correlation (r=-0.189) and statistically significant (p=0.002) between cavity and diastema, and between the absence of malocclusion and caries (r=-0.668; p=0.0001); and positive correlation (r=0.418) and statistically significant association between open bite and Class II (p=0.0001), atresia and crossbite (r=0.425; p=0.0001); atresia, cross and open bite (r=0.235; p=0.0001) and Class II, open bite, atresia and crosses (r=0.443; p=0.0001). The results demonstrate the need for establishment of orthodontic treatment, and appropriate guidelines for hygiene, nutrition and the removal of deleterious habits. The payment of orthodontics in public health services is important and, when initiated at an early stage (preventive/interceptive), has much lower costs enabling a possible treatment.