Colloquium Vitae 2010
PERFIL CINEANTROPOMéTRICO EM CRIAN AS DO PROJETO ATLETA DO FUTURO DO SESI DE PRESIDENTE PRUDENTE-SPDOI: 10.5747/cv2010.v02.n2.v030 Keywords: Kinanthropometry , Children , Athlete Abstract: The objectives of this study were to profile morphological and kinanthropometric in school (children) aged between 09 and 10 years of age, participants in Project Athlete of the Future (PAF). Thus, we evaluated 44 children, aged between 09 and 10 years. We can infer that children are within normal in height and body mass. For the tests kinanthropometric children were the best in the test run of 9 minutes and showed good levels of cardiorespiratory fitness. As for the tests with anaerobic speed test run of 20m and agility of the children assessed had an index lower than expected for their ages. Was also shown to be stronger in the test of abdominal and throwing medicineball compared to the test of horizontal jump. To test the flexibility of the index children showed lower than expected for their ages. These considerations will be presented to coordinate the FAP, which will be reflected and discussed for the better targeting of activities in classrooms, as well as the project itself.