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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Barriers in access to insecticide-treated bednets for malaria prevention: An analysis of Cambodian DHS data

Keywords: Cambodia , community effect , insecticide-treated bednets , malaria

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Background & objectives: The distribution of insecticide-treated bednets (ITNs), as an alternative to untreatedbednets or no bednet at all, not only directly prevents the mosquito from biting an individual, but kills themosquito as well. This reduces the mosquito infestation at the household and community levels. However,barriers may exist limiting the effectiveness of malaria prevention by these tactics. Objectives of the studywere to assess current disparities in access to ITNs, what factors may be associated with disparities in accessand the progress of antimalaria interventions.Methods: This study examined disparities in access to intervention resources between rural and urban locationsby assessing the percentage of households in each area that has at least one ITN. Demographic Health Survey(DHS) 2005 data from 16,823 survey respondents from Cambodia were explored, examining the ratio ofhouseholds with at least one ITN according to various socioeconomic determinants. Statistical analysis wasdone using Chi-square and logistic regression with SPSS.Results: Problematic distance from ITN distributors, rural location, and poverty were all associated withgreater unlikelihood of possession of least one household ITN.Conclusion: In order to effectively combat high malaria prevalence, interventions need to be refocused onincreasing accessibility to ITNs. The limitations of this study require further investigation into alternativesocioeconomic determinants.


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