B R FACEBOOK GRUBUNDA KADINA DDET HABERLER N N DE ERLEND R LME B MLER / THE EVALUATION TYPES OF THE NEWS ABOUT VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN IN A FACEBOOK GROUPKeywords: Toplum , Kültür , Kad na iddet , Faceook , Society , Culture , Violence Against Women , Facebook. Abstract: Bu al ma, “bas nda yer alan iddet haberleri”nin toplumsal alanda olu turdu u etkiyi ve ortaya kard g rünürlükleri bir “facebook” grubu üzerinden sosyolojik a dan zümleme abas n yans tmaktad r. al mada g rsel etnografi y ntemi kullan lm t r. al ma, 22 Temmuz 2011 tarihine olu turulmu “Ceylanlar lmesin: Kad na iddete Hay r” grubuna uygulanm t r. al mada facebook grubu ve kullan c lar üzerinden Türkiye’de kad na iddet olgusunun kad nlarda ve toplumda nas l bir etki yaratt , kad na iddet olgusunda devletin rolü ve olgunun bas nda tart lma bi imleri de erlendirilmi tirThis study, based on a facebook group, projects the efforts of analyzing the efects of “violance against women news in press” from sociological point of view. In the study visual etnography method was used. The project has started with the group of “Ceylanlar lmesin: Kad na iddete Hay r” in 22nd july 2011. With this study, via facebook users, the question of How does the phenomenon of violence against women in Turkey creates an effect on women and society?, the role of state and discusssions in press are evaluated.